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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateJuly 22, 2014
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Most organizations and employees are dissatisfied with the performance appraisal process, so it remains a curiosity why this methodology continues to exist. Performance appraisals don’t drive careers; they are an incidental effect of other dynamic systems. In essence, appraisals are the paper-shuffling ritual that sanctifies decisions already made.

Major Topics

• Why it’s a legal myth that performance appraisals protect you from litigation, or in court
• Why appraisals instinctively focuses on weaknesses, not strengths
• Why “annual” is far too long to evaluate and provide feedback to knowledge workers
• Examples of effective replacements to the annual performance appraisal:
-- Peter Drucker’s Manager’s Letter
-- After Action Reviews
-- Key Predictive Indicators
• Implementing Peter Drucker’s Orchestra
• A better idea than classifying people as Gen “X,” “Y,” and “Z”

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Rayne, SC

"I'm a CPA with a small tax practice but also work as the office manager at a law firm. The firm doesn't do performance evaluations, and there has been some concern that we need to implement them as part of our annual compensation review process. This webinar gave me some great ideas for how to NOT use appraisals, and to focus more on the strengths of our staff. The resources mentioned will be a tremendous help. Really like the After Action Review concept. Ron Baker is very knowledgeable, and an effective communicator. Thanks very much!"
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tammy, NH

"I am not in an HR position that would enable me to eliminate the annual performance appraisal from our company, however . . . this webinar provided me with very good tools to provide positive feedback and engage in two-way (non-threatening) dialogue with my employees, which will result in more positive mentoring of employees, feedback for our management team, and more motivated, development-oriented employees! 90 minutes packed with a wealth of wisdom (and common sense suggestions that few of us put together on our own)."
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James, MT

"Very thought provoking for a company that has done evaluations for many years and have tried different methods from manual questionnaires to computer generated questionnaires to designing our own questionnaire. It will take a lot of work to convince the various department managers to try something different, but I am certain the the employees will be happy not to have to put up with this annual ritual."
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Deborah, CO

"Great course! Extremely relevant for the audience. CPA firms certainly need to revamp what they call Performance Reviews. As Ronald stated something that is suppose to be developmental turns into a huge negative for the recipient and further deteriorates employee moral. Thanks for the many suggestions contained in the course and also references for additional information."
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Gae-Lynn, TX

"Ron Baker is a great presenter. He knows his stuff and knows how to communicate in a way that is easy to understand. I've long questioned the value of performance appraisals and consider them destructive. This presentation has helped me understand why they are so counterproductive and provided constructive options to replace them. Many thanks."
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Tracy, KY

"This webinar helped me to quantify and support some of the feelings I've been having for some time about the ineffectiveness of the annual reivew process. I feel empowered to make some immediate small differences within my circle of influence with the hope of making larger changes in the future."
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Cindy, KY

"Interesting topic and well presented. Ron is an excellent speaker who kept my attention by moving quickly through the material with some powerful analogies. The statement about not needing a surgeon to pierce ears was a memorable point about the importance of effective delegation."
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Amy, CO

"I did enjoy the information and the thoughts. I have been very frustrated over the years with "performance evaluations" and yes the presenter was correct, no matter how well you are rated or appraised, the bad things always stick out."
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Ronald Baker

Founder of the VeraSage Institute
(707) 769-0965


Ronald J. Baker started his CPA career in 1984 with KPMG’s Private Business Advisory Services in San Francisco. Today, he is the founder of VeraSage Institute—the leading think tank dedicated to educating professionals internationally—and a radio talk-show host on the show: The Soul of Enterprise: Business in the Knowledge Economy. As a frequent speaker, writer, and educator, his work takes him around the world. He has been an instructor with the California CPA Education Foundation since 1995 and has authored fifteen courses for them, including: You Are What You Charge For: Success in Today’s Emerging Experience Economy (with Daniel Morris); Alternatives to the Federal Income Tax; Trashing the Timesheet: A Declaration of Independence; Everyday Economics; Everyday Ethics: Doing Well by Doing Good; The Best Business Books You Should Read; Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value; Measure What Matters to Customers; and Innovating Your Business Model. He is the author of six books, including: Professional’s Guide to Value Pricing; The Firm of the Future: A Guide for Accountants, Lawyers, and Other Professional Services, co-authored with Paul Dunn; Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value; Measure What Matters to Customers: Using Key Predictive Indicators; and Mind Over Matter: Why Intellectual Capital is the Chief Source of Wealth; and his latest book, Implementing Value Pricing: A Radical Business Model for Professional Firms.

Ron has toured the world, spreading his value-pricing message to over 110,000 professionals. He has been appointed to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant’s Group of One Hundred, a think tank of leaders to address the future of the profession; named on Accounting Today’s 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, and 2013 Top 100 Most Influential People in the profession; voted number six and nine of the Top ten Most Influential People in the profession in 2012 and 2013; selected as one of LinkedIn’s 150 Influencers; and received the 2003 Award for Instructor Excellence from the California CPA Education Foundation. He graduated in 1984, from San Francisco State University, with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and a minor in economics. He is a graduate of Disney University and Cato University, and is a faculty member of the Professional Pricing Society. He presently resides in Petaluma, California.

About Our Presenter

VeraSage Institute is the revolutionary think tank for professional-knowledge firms. We challenge people to break free of practice methods that marginalize their professions, undermine their purposes, and fail their clients. To help this happen, we study and teach burying the billable hour and archaic timesheets, pricing in advance, and treating professionals as knowledge workers instead of timekeepers. VeraSage attracts diverse thinkers from around the world who are united in the desire to advance the professions.